12 Ways Society Is Failing the Elderly

When we think about getting older, most of us like to imagine spending more time on hobbies and enjoying the grandkids during our retirement. Sadly, older people have to deal with lots of challenges & obstacles that get ignored. There’s a lot going on that doesn’t make the headlines. Here are twelve ways our society is failing the elderly and how we can fix this.

Featured Image Credit: aletia /Depositphotos.com.

Inadequate Mental Health Support

A Woman with Her Hand on Her Face Looking Sad, Senior
Image Credit: Pexels.

While everyone’s getting better at talking about mental health, it’s still a major issue with our elders. Many older adults deal with depression, anxiety, & loneliness—but they can’t find help that understands the unique challenges of aging. There’s a hole in our mental health services for older people.

Technology Gap

Senior Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting Beside Woman in Blue Long Sleeve Shirt
Image Credit: Pexels.

Teaching your grandma to use a smartphone is difficult for a number of reasons. Technology is sprinting ahead and leaving many seniors in the dust—so they’re missing out on some major developments. FaceTiming with family and accessing online services are a lot harder for them. Without these skills, the world is a far lonelier place.

Limited Transportation Options

Stop the train station verolanuova regional train in Italy
Image Credit: veloliza /Depositphotos.com.

For many older people, life involves not being able to drive and having no easy way to get around. They don’t have safe & accessible transport options. This makes everything from grocery shopping to doctor’s appointments a huge challenge–and let’s not even mention how difficult it is to keep up with social activities.

Ageism in the Workplace

Senior businessman
Image Credit: Pavel Danilyuk /Pexels.com.

Getting a job or keeping one is a lot harder when you’re older, thanks to ageism. This kind of discrimination hurts you financially and it’s also a blow to your self-esteem. Society’s telling you’re past your ‘use by’ date—which couldn’t be further from the truth. Yet the job market favors younger candidates.

Inaccessible Public Spaces

Closeup on business woman hand holding elevator door
Image Credit: CITAlliance /Depositphotos.com.

Many public spaces aren’t elder-friendly as they lack ramps and elevators. Such barriers make it feel like it’s off-limits to those who aren’t young & spry, making it a matter of independence. Everyone deserves to enjoy public spaces without facing obstacles at every turn. If we made them more accessible, it’d improve everyone’s quality of life.

Insufficient Elder Abuse Protection

Elderly Man Sitting on Bed and Looking Sad, Regretful, Senior Man
Image Credit: Pexels.

Sadly, elder abuse is a very real thing and it comes in many forms, including physical & emotional abuse. There’s not enough awareness (or resources) dedicated to stopping it so many vulnerable elders suffer in silence. It’s not fair—older people have the right to feel safe and respected, not fearful in their own homes.

Overlooked in Policy Making

Sad older couple.
Image Credit: aletia /Depositphotos.com.

When decisions are made at the top, older adults usually get ignored. They’re practically invisible when policies are being drafted, leading to laws & regulations that don’t fully address their challenges. Older adults make up a significant portion of the population and so we should consider their unique insights & needs.

Healthcare System Shortcomings

Senior man in hospital bed
Image Credit: AndreyBezuglov/Depositphotos.com.

It’s no secret that the healthcare system is difficult and especially for the elderly who have complex needs. Instead of getting holistic care, they’re often shuffled from one specialist to another. Nobody looks at the big picture. The American healthcare system is one that treats illnesses—but not the person. 

Financial Insecurity

Poor men
Image Credit: Pixabay /Pexels.com.

A lot of older adults don’t have enough savings or pensions, leaving them financially insecure. As such, they’ll need to choose between essentials—but in a country as wealthy as ours, it’s a situation that just shouldn’t exist. Financial stability in old age should be a given because everyone deserves to retire with dignity & peace of mind.

Lack of Social Programs

Stylish senior women playing cards together, friendship, laughter
Image Credit: EdZbarzhyvetsky/Depositphotos.com.

Unfortunately, there aren’t enough programs designed to keep older adults socially active. Loneliness goes beyond feeling sad—it’s a health risk on par with smoking or obesity. We need more initiatives that bring seniors together so they can connect and learn new skills. Even giving them the chance to enjoy their hobbies will make them happier.

Housing Challenges

Sad senior blonde woman is sitting on a sofa at home
Image Credit: spaxiax /Depositphotos.com.

Finding affordable, accessible housing is a hurdle for many seniors. Sometimes, the struggle involves adapting their current home to meet their needs while other times, it’s finding a place in assisted living that isn’t too expensive. Either way, the options are often limited—and rather unsatisfying. Such stress seriously affects older adults’ well-being.

Neglect of Rural Elderly

Selective focus of sad pensioner sitting near senior wife
Image Credit: AndrewLozovyi /Depositphotos.com.

For older adults living in rural areas, the challenges are even worse since they have fewer healthcare options & limited transportation. Out of sight—out of mind. We need to remember that support should reach every corner of the country instead of just the urban centers. After all, everyone has the right to age gracefully.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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