10 Popular Beliefs About the World That Are Completely Wrong

In the age of the internet, we’re bombarded with more “facts” than ever before—but not everything you read or hear is true. Some of these so-called facts are more fiction than anything else! Let’s set the record straight on 10 popular beliefs that many of us have accepted at face value. It’s time to debunk the myths.

Featured Image Credit: deagreez1 /Depositphotos.com.

Ostriches Stick Their Heads in the Sand When Threatened

Image Credit: Pexels.

The image of an ostrich sticking its head in the sand to hide from danger is rather funny—but completely false. Ostriches wouldn’t survive long if they did! When they’re scared, they either run away or lie low in an attempt to blend in with the ground. This is probably where the myth came from—at a distance, an ostrich bending down looks like it’s trying to bury its head.

The Sahara Desert Is the Largest Desert in the World

Desert dunes in the Sahara desert
Image Credit: Pexels.

What’s the largest desert in the world? Not the Sahara Desert. It’s actually Antarctica as deserts are defined by their dryness, not by sand—Antarctica is the driest & windiest one around. Despite there being plenty of ice, there’s very little rainfall or even snowfall in Aractica and that’s what makes it so dry.

Camels Store Water in Their Humps

Meroe, Sudan, 19th Decemver, 2015: sudanese man with his camel in a desert near Meroe pyramids
Image Credit: katiekk/Depositphotos.com.

The idea that camels store water in their humps is another desert myth. In reality, camel humps store fat and the animals convert this into water & energy. This adaptation allows them to survive in harsh desert conditions when food and water are scarce. Their hump isn’t the reservoir of water that most people think it is!

Water Conducts Electricity

Pouring a glass of water
Image Credit: Pexels.com.

Many people think that water conducts electricity but the truth is that it’s the minerals & impurities in the water that do it. Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity and the ions in normal tap or sea water are what make it so dangerous. We don’t recommend you test this out, though!

Coffee Dehydrates You

drinking coffee at office
Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio /Pexels.com.

Coffee gets a bad rap for being a diuretic aka something that dehydrates you. While it’s true that caffeine can make you need the bathroom more, the amount of water in a standard cup of coffee is enough to offset the diuretic effect. For regular coffee drinkers, your body adapts to the diuretic effect and makes it even less of an issue.

You Can Catch a Cold from Being Cold

sick man
Image Credit: AndrewLozovyi/Depositphotos.com.

It’s a common misconception that you can catch a cold from chilly weather—colds don’t come from the temperature! However, people stay indoors more during colder months which increases the chances of virus transmission from person to person. Bundling up keeps you warm but washing your hands & avoiding close contact will keep you healthy.

Bananas Grow on Trees

Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio /Pexels.com.

Though they look like trees, what we think of as banana “trees” are actually the world’s largest herbaceous plants. The “tree” is just a bunch of leaf stalks! Bananas grow from a root structure that produces an above-ground stem, which essentially makes them more like giant herbs than trees.

Penguins Mate for Life

Two penguins dreaming sitting on a rock, mountains in the background. Antarctica.
Image Credit: goinyk /Depositphotos.com.

While it’s a romantic idea, penguins don’t mate for life. Many species are monogamous during breeding seasons yet they often choose different partners in other seasons—some species are actually more faithful than others. Like many animals (and humans), their relationships are more complicated than they appear.

Microwaving Food Zaps the Nutritional Value

Shocked woman talking on smartphone near broken microwave
Image Credit: HayDmitriy /Depositphotos.com.

The way you cook food affects the nutrient levels in various ways—yet microwaving is one of the best methods to keep the nutrients. Why? Because it uses shorter cooking times and less water. In fact, this method of cooking preserves the goodness in your food better than some traditional methods so you feel free to zap your vegetables without worry.

Eating Before Bed Makes You Gain Weight

A Man Unbuttoned Long Sleeves Eating Dinner
Image Credit: cottonbro studio /Pexels.com.

Forget what you’ve heard about eating late at night causing weight gain—what & how much you eat is far more important. Consuming more calories than you burn, regardless of the time, is what will make you gain weight. It’s okay to have a snack before bed as long as you keep an eye on your overall calorie intake throughout the day.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock

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